Conversations lay at the heart of what we do on a day to day basis

Meaningful Conversations

Conversations lay at the heart of what we do day to day.  They have the power to inspire, engage, build trust, encourage collaboration and wellbeing.  SuperSkills provides individuals with a new way of understanding how they have conversations and where they can focus to achieve ‘Great Conversations’.

SuperSkills does this by establishing a baseline measure of someone’s natural conversation skills and habits. It provides clarity around where an individuals’ conversational strengths and challenges lay so that they are able to move forward with the confidence to enhance the quality of relationships they have at work and at home.

We provide a range of solutions for individuals including:
– SuperSkills Conversation Basics – these can be rolled out as public programmes or for select groups
– Group sessions such as for Graduates
– Individual coaching
– Online self-paced learning

For more information on building ‘Great Conversationalists’ in your organisation all you have to do is…. start a conversation

Inspiring Conversations

The role of Leaders has changed.  Leadership is no longer about the charismatic, heroic, individual who has all the right answers and commands people towards victory against the odds. It’s much more about the individual’s ability to realise the potential in others, inspiring, engaging and aligning people to solve problems collectively. Leadership today is becoming less about the person and more about the environment they create.

SuperSkills offers leaders the opportunity to look at how they have conversations and the way they engage with others.  It provides insight around how a leaders’ natural tendencies affect their behaviour, how they can adopt new techniques and practices and apply those naturally in every conversation.

We provide a range of solutions for Leaders:

  • The ‘Conversational Leader Programme’ provides leaders with rich, meaningful insights and practical skills they can use to encourage open, ongoing dialogue with their teams. We focus on creating a shift in mindset towards cultivating an environment that emphasises meaningful, ongoing dialogue – conversations that you go into not knowing the answers. . . that’s where transformation happens.
  • Individual Coaching
  • We can also integrate SuperSkills into your current leadership programmes

For more information on building ‘Conversational Leadership’ in your organisation all you have to do is…. start a conversation

Productive Conversations

Teams are the building blocks of organisations. One of the most crucial factors of team effectiveness is simply how well the team ‘talks’. SuperSkills provides teams with a way of understanding and developing communication skills that enable productive, meaningful, supportive conversations to occur.

SuperSkills helps generate an appreciation of the individual’s own style as well as the differences amongst team members. This increase in awareness around their individual and collective preferences, as a team, underpins stronger, more effective ongoing conversations that lead to strong team performance.

We provide a range of solutions for teams including:

  • ‘Team Conversation’ sessions that look at supporting new, intact and project teams
  • We can integrate into your current team development process, and
  • Modulised conversation toolkits that allow you to diagnose and tailor the Conversation Journey for a team

For more information on building ‘Productive Teams’ using SuperSkills in your organisation all you have to do is…. start a conversation

Culture of Conversations

“In the knowledge economy conversations are perhaps the most important form of work”

Harvard Business Review

We believe organisational performance can be increased one conversation at a time – sounds like a big call? However, our experience tells us that with a culture of conversations you get more than an increase in performance, you get:

  • Increased collaboration
  • Increased wellbeing and resilience
  • More discretionary effort, and
  • Increased engagement

Creating a culture of conversations is by no means an easy job, and not a task for one person or department.  It is an understanding that to succeed in an ever-changing world, successful organisations know that complex problems, with no one solution, require informed exploration, new ideas and insights. These problems increasingly cannot be solved by just a few people – instead they require the views and input of many.

Corporate problem solving and communication must give way to a process that is more conversational. Smart leaders today, have found success in engaging with employees in a way that resembles an ordinary person to person conversation, more than it does a series of commands from on high.

In short – we need to talk about how we talk!

If you would like to have a conversation about how your organisation talks….just start a conversation

For more information on our view on the role of conversations connect to Conversations Curated section

Explore our Stories of Success

We work in close collaboration with an array of organisations that span the globe to provide actionable insights. We are incredibly proud of these partnerships and have some great stories to share.

Let's talk. . .

Lets start with most simplest of things, a conversation to see how we can help you.